Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2014


photo(782)We love having returning visitors, Tracy and Darcy, from Canada. The husband and wife team trained with us for the last month, and we’re sad to see them go. Have a great trip home. Sending you off with aloha — until we meet again.

112614 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT

100-meter run

5 wall squats

10 hollow rocks

20 jumping jacks

B. Press

70% x 3

80% x 3

90% x 3+

C. 9:00 AMRAP

Buy-in: 20-calorie row

3 snatches (135/95) (can be full or power, but must start on the floor and finish with bar under control overhead)

3 strict pull-ups

6 snatches

6 strict pull-ups

9 snatches

9 strict pull-ups

12, 15, 18 . . . and so on, adding 3 reps with each round. Score is last completed round plus additional reps.

>> On-Ramp

9:00 AMRAP

Buy-in 20-calorie row

3 hang power snatches

3 ring rows


6 ring rows


9 ring rows

12, 15, 18 . . . and so on, adding 3 reps with each round. Score is last completed round plus additional reps.