Monday, Dec. 8, 2014


photo(792)>> we’re dreaming of a mild christmas.

With all the construction and craziness at the gym, we thought it would be impossible to pull off our annual Christmas party. But, thanks to Libby and husband Chris, the party will go on (we just decided to go for it today). This year, the event, themed “Mellow Kalikimaka,” will be more kick back to include only appetizers, desserts and drinks. That doesn’t mean we will be lax on the fun — or the fashion. Chris already has two Christmas tress, and if any of you recall last year’s monkey pinata — that gag gift was thanks to this genius couple.

We know many of you have competing events and others are out of town, but if you are able to make it, we’d love to spend time with you at this last-minute party.

Here are some details:

WHAT: Mellow Kalikimaka, CFUM Christmas Party (and it’s also Heather’s birthday!)

WHERE: North Kihei at Libby and Chris’ beautiful home (pictured above); directions and gate code will be texted individually upon RSVP

WHEN: 7 p.m. until pau

WHO: All CFUM members plus a guest; please find a sitter and refrain from inviting groups of nonmembers to this more intimate party

BRING: Women, please bring an appetizer; men please bring a dessert. Everyone, please BYOB. Libby will have some mixers.

REQUIRED: Pirate gift exchange is a must. Please balance gag gifts with serious gifts (This means you, Josh!)! Bring gift already wrapped. We will show you how to play.

ATTIRE: Fancy schmancy — we rarely get to see you without all the sweat!

RSVP: Text Kehau to receive gate code and directions


120814 WOD

A. 5:00 AMRAP with teams of two:

Partner 1) 100-meter run + 30 double-unders

Partner 2) ME Cindy


B. Back squat – DELOAD

40% x 5

50% x 5

60% x 5

C. In 2:30

Run 200 meters

5 hang full cleans (135/95)

20 double-unders

ME strict sit-ups

Four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total sit-ups.

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be posted on whiteboard.