Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2014 – CHRISTMAS EVE
CHRISTMAS EVE SCHEDULE: In observance of Christmas Eve, we will have one holiday class only at 8:30 a.m. We are closed Christmas Day. Have a happy and healthy holiday!
122414 WOD
A. Group warmup
B. Stretch
C. “12 Days of Christmas”
1 full snatch (135/95)
2 burpees over barbell
3 toes-to-bar
4 alternating pistols
5 box jump-overs (30/24)
6 lunges with barbell in front rack (135/95)
7 pull-ups
8 wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target
9 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)
10 ground to overhead (135/95)
11 handstand push-ups
12 back squats (135/95)
Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down, adding one exercise per round.
Example: On the first day of Christmas, my coaches gave to me, one deadlift; on the 2nd day of Christmas my coaches gave to me, two burpees and one deadlift; on the third day of Christmas, my coaches gave to me, three toes-to-bar, two burpees and one deadlift . . .
>> On-Ramp
Modifications will be posted on the whiteboard