Friday, Jan. 2, 2015
This seemed easy to do — until we tried it. Props to the “2” by Kim A., her son Koa (top) and her nephew, Kaipo. The beautiful “0” was done by Sheila and daughter Nanea. That tight “1” is by Matt. And that tricky “5” flawlessly came together with the help of Sonie, Kanoe, Michelle K. and myself. Modeling was tough for us on Wednesday. But fun always comes easy. Happy New Year from your CrossFit Upcountry crew — many good times ahead!
010215 WOD
A. 4:00 alternating Tabata
hollow rocks
B. Front rack reverse lunges
Take 10 minutes to build to a challenging set of six alternating reverse lunges with barbell in front rack (3/side)
C. EMOM 18:00
Minute 1: 100-meter run + 5 toes-to-bar
Minute 2: 10 box jump-overs (24/20)
Minute 3: 15 American kettlebell swings (53/35)
>> On-Ramp
Modifications will be posted on whiteboard.
Inspired by “Fed Up,” a group of us committed to a 10-day sugar detox, starting today. If you want to jump in on it, text Kehau. We are providing accountability and support. The prize? Your health! Rule #1: watch this video – Rule #2 whole fresh fruit can be only source of sugar – no fruit juices / no dried fruit / etc. If you want to get really strict, omit fruit. Rule #3 have fun! We don’t care if you eat rice, oatmeal, breads, etc – we are only targeting sugar. You must read all labels to make sure your food does not have any form of sugar in it. Document how you feel each day for testimonials that we will post at the end. Let’s get healthy and inspire others along the way!