Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015

photo(816)Jocelyn is a family practice physician who practices health and wellness in her own life! We’re proud of you, Jocelyn!

011015 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Mobility

C. For time:

500-meter row

50 double-uders

40 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

30 wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target

20 toes-to-bar

10 ring dips

20 toes-to-bar

30 wall balls

40 Russian kettlebell swings

50 double-unders

400-meter run

>> On-Ramp

250-meter row

25 DU attempts or 50 single-unders

20 Russian kettlebell swings

15 wall balls

10 toes-to-bar

5 dips

10 toes-to-bar

15 wall balls

20 Russian kettlebell swings

25 DU attempts

200-meter run