Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015

photo(818)On Monday, our 8 a.m. class said farewell to Frank (standing in gray), our favorite 70-plus-year-young CrossFitter, who visits us each year from Washington state. We love you, Frank! Now who did the “squint-y eyes sun in my face” expression best (our vote goes to Josh).

011315 WOD

A. 1:00 ME at each station

– row for calories

– slam balls

– reverse lunges

– double-unders

– burpees

B. 9:00 EMOM

Minute 1: 0:30-0:45 jump + arch to hollow on bar or rings

Minute 2: 0:30-0:45 handstand hold (modify with overhead hold or wall walk)

Minute 3: 0:30-0:45 hollow rock on ground

C. Burgener warm-up with empty barbell

D. For time:

600-meter run


Power cleans (185/135)

Ring muscle-ups (sub = bar MU or 1 strict pull-up / 1 strict dip per MU)

600-meter run

>> On-Ramp

For time:

400-meter row


Hang power clean

Ring row + parallette dip

400-meter run