Monday, March 2, 2015

photo(866)Brent and Baylee: We love this fit couple! Here they’re setting up for snatches during 15.1. Today is the last day to hit the first workout of the 2015 CrossFit Games Open! Test or retest the WOD at 10 a.m. today. MAKE SURE TO SUBMIT YOUR SCORES BY NOON MONDAY FOR VALIDATION BY 3 P.M. Sometimes scores get backlogged due to Internet use; the earlier you submit the better. Keep up the good work, team!

030215 WOD

A. 6:00 EMOM

Minute 1: 200/150-meter row

Minute 2: 0:45 hollow rocks

Minute 3: 15 slam balls

B. Front squat

5 x 3 @ 75% of 1RM

C. Four rounds of:

1:00 ME wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target

1:00 ME row for calories

1:00 ME Russian kettlebell swings (70/53)

1:00 rest

Score is total reps

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be posted on the whiteboard



photo(865)CrossFit Upcountry members and friends hiked the crater Saturday to celebrate recent and upcoming birthdays. This is a good-looking group!



photo 2(15)This was the best jumping photo of my life. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes Saturday. We love each of you and feel very blessed to be on this journey together.