Friday, April 10, 2015
Our hardworking 5:45 a.m. crew sets the pace! Rain or shine, they charge hard. Proud of you folks.
041015 WOD
A. 5:00 AMRAP
Partner 1) 100-meter run + 20 double-unders
Partner 2) weighted front plank (25/10)
B. Deadlift
Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy set of three to five reps for the day; stay conservative (we are not looking for a true max effort today) and get cobras in between your heaviest sets.
C. For total time:
Overhead squats (135/95)
Burpees over the bar
Rest 3:00
Full snatches (135/95)
Ring muscle-ups (sub bar muscle-ups; or one pull-up and one dip per MU; can be done kipping and consecutively)
>> On-Ramp
For total time:
Overhead squats
Burpees over the bar
Rest 3:00
Hang power snatches
Ring row + parallette dip