Saturday, April 11, 2015

photo(895)Apparently National Sibling Day is a real thing, and it happens annually on April 10. We caught these loving siblings, Keoki (left) and Keola, working out together during Friday evening class. Sooooo cute! I know I’ll get punched (by two of the strongest guys) for posting this photo, but I had to because it’s so awesome. Brothers that train together stay together?

041115 WOD

A. EMOM 9:00

Minute 1: 100-meter run

Minute 2: 10 box jumps

Minute 3: 20 ball slams

B. Mobility

1. Pec smash 1:00 / side

2. Lat opener 1:00 / side

C. In teams of three, perform three rounds each for time of: *

800-meter row

400-meter run

20 toes to bar

Teammates roll through this in congo-line fashion, jumping onto the Concept 2 erg as soon as the teammate in front of them is off and has begun the 400 meter run.

* Metcon programmed by CrossFit Invictus

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be posted on the whiteboard