Thursday, June 18, 2015

photo(949)Gabby’s son, Kia, is back in action after graduating from high school and awaiting the start to college. Stoked to have you return to the gym! Our student athletes have so much promise. Excited for all that’s ahead.

061815 WOD

A. Run 400 meters, then:

0:45 L plank

1:00 F plank

0:45 R plank

0:30 hollow rock / hold

5:00 time cap

B. 18:00 EMOM

Minute 1: 100-meter run + 5 toes-to-rings

Minute 2: 20 rebounding ball slams (30/20)

Minute 3: 15 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

>> On-Ramp

15:00 EMOM

Minute 1: 50-meter run + 5 sit-ups / leg raises

Minute 2: 10 ball slams

Minute 3: 15 Russian kettlebell swings

C. Mobility

1. Tricep smash with partner

1:00 / side / person (4:00 total time)

2. Calf smash with barbell

1:00-2:00 / leg (2-4:00 total time)