Friday, July 3, 2015

 photo(957)Kahone and Jacob’s faces say it all. Mobility makes a difference!

070315 WOD

A. Two rounds of the following:

500-meter row

20 KB oblique side bends (10/side)

10 banded / barbell good mornings

6:00 time cap

B. Deadlift – 5/3/1 week 1 | month 3

Add 10# to 1RM to find new WW, then calculate:

65% x 5

75% x 5

85% x 5+

Subset with 3 x 5 cobras

C. For time:


Deadlifts (185/135)

Box jumps (24/20)

50-meter run after each round

>> On-Ramp

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 or 10-8-6-4-2

KB deadlifts


50-meter run after each round




Malomerica is only ONE day away. Here are the FINAL DETAILS:

– Workout has been moved to the gym due to popular demand; it’s our attempt to cater to all of  your crazy weekend plans. WE WILL HAVE REGULAR GROUP CLASS AT 8 A.M. AT THE BOX. Open gym will be closed. Beach WOD has been scratched. Instead, class is at 8 a.m. Saturday at the box.

– Show up at 10 a.m. at Chris and Libby’s house for the best pool party, and the first pool party, CrossFit Upcountry has ever seen. Malo approves of this message. And so does Kahone, who will be manning the bar.

– If you are coming to the pool party, please bring meat to grill if you are a guy; girls can bring sides; everyone must BYOB.

– Text Kehau at 808 281 6925 to receive directions to Chris and Libby’s, which is in North Kihei.