Saturday, July 25, 2015

 FullSizeRender(4)We had dozens of deadlift PRs today, and we couldn’t be more proud of you! This week was one of the most exciting ones of the summer. Keep up the great work, Upcountry!

072515 WOD

A. Every 3:00 for 9:00

Run 200 meters

15 push-ups

10 v-ups

B. Stretch

C. For time:

400-meter run

50 double-unders

40 sit-ups

30 wall balls (20/14 to 10′ target)

20 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

10 ring dips

20 Russian kettlebell swings

30 wall balls

40 sit-ups

50 double-unders

400-meter run

>> On-Ramp

For time:

200-meter run

25 double-under attempts / 50 singles

20 sit-ups

15 wall balls / DB thrusters

10 Russian KB swings

5 ring dips

10 Russian KB swings

15 wall balls

20 sit-ups

25 double-under attempts / 50 singles

200-meter run




>> va games tryout details

Hawaii VA Games, the largest team competition in the state, kicks off Sept. 5 at the Blaisdell Arena in Honolulu. Last year, we had two teams participate; this year — we are having three! We’re stoked to join other Maui affiliates in representing the Valley Isle. And we welcome EVERYONE at CrossFit Upcountry to try out, if you have the desire to be a part of a four-person team (two men/two women).

WHO: Everyone at CrossFit Upcountry Maui

WHAT: Tryouts for CrossFit Upcountry’s three teams for Hawaii VA Games (teams are two men and two women; RX and scaled divisions will be offered).

WHEN: 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. TODAY

WHERE: CrossFit Upcountry

HOW: Show up at 6 a.m. to warm up; RX/Standard assessments will begin at 6:30 a.m.; metcon will begin at 7:15 a.m. Each athlete will be scored based on points accrued and will be placed on teams by head coaches.

RX assessments: Athletes will be given 30 seconds to perform max effort of each of the movements (with the exception of wall balls, which will be tested in 1:00) on the RX checklist IN SETS OF REQUIRED CONSECUTIVE REPS. For example, Athlete may choose to do consecutive UB deadlifts at 275/185 or may perform sets of three deadlifts at the weight with desired rest between sets. Rest between exercises TBA. Score will be based on max reps (with the exception of DUs, which will be pass / fail). Judges will note whether consecutive requirements were met. If athletes do not fulfill ROM requirements, not only will he/she receive no reps, but judges will take note of every failed attempt due to poor ROM; this notation will deduct from total score.

Scaled assessments: Same rules apply but weights / movements will be scaled.

Metcon: A short metcon inspired by previous VA Games workouts will be tested. The metcon will be individually performed and time/score will be considered in total points. Metcon TBA Saturday.

MAKEUP TESTING: If you are not able to make tryouts, you may film your efforts and submit to head coach for review; or you may come in ONLY DURING OPEN GYM HOURS to make up your assessment. Deadline for make up submission is 8/1 at 10 a.m.

SELECTED ATHLETES: Each selected athlete MUST participate in TBA fundraising event or forfeit his/her spot. Each athlete MUST participate in most team practices leading up to event. Each selected athlete MUST find an alternate if emergency arises and he/she cannot participate. Each selected athlete is responsible for planning/purchasing his/her airfare and accommodations.