Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2015

IMG_1881Oh, Holley. We are going to miss you and your hilarious photo expressions. San Diego better appreciate you as much as we do!

123015 WOD

A. EMOM 9:00

Min 1: 0:30-0:45 handstand hold

Min 2: 0:30-0:45 windshield wipers off bar

Min 3: 0:30-0:45 dumb bell renegade rows

B. Press – week 1 | month 3

Add 5# to 1RM to find new WW, then calculate:

65% x 5

75% x 5

85% x 5+

C. Reebok CrossFit Games Master Qualifier 2015 Event 4

For time:


Deadlifts (225/155)

Box jumps (24/20)

Handstand push-ups

>> On-Ramp

For time:


KB deadlifts


DB seated presses

D. Cash-out

800-meter run or 1K row