Tuesday, May 24, 2016

FullSizeRender(57)We got really excited to come home and see 1) each of your smiling faces Monday and 2) this baby pineapple unexpectedly growing in one of our tire pots! (In that order). We are grateful for the simple things, the significant things — our thriving little fitness community on a pineapple farm in breathtaking Upcountry. You are the core of it all!

052416 WOD

A. Three rounds:

0:45 row

0:15 rest

0:45 reverse snow angels

0:15 rest

0:45 handstand hold

0:15 rest

B. Power snatch

Take 12-15 minutes to build to a challenging single for the day

C. EMOM 20:00 (5 sets)

Min 1: 100-meter run

Min 2: 5/4 ring muscle-ups or 10/8 strict pull-ups + strict dips or 10/8 chest-to-bar pull-ups + dips

Min 3: 40 double-unders

Min 4: 16 goblet lunge with kettlebell (70/53)

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be posted on whiteboard