Wednesday, June 22, 2016

IMG_4712“Work hard, stay humble.”

062216 WOD

A. 4:00 Tabata

Mountain climbers

B. Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:

Minute 1: Seated dumbbell strict press x 8 – 10 reps

Minute 2: Bent-over barbell rows 6 – 12 reps

Minute 3: Hanging knee raises or strict toes-to-bar x 6 – 8 reps @ 3110

C. For time:

40 double-unders

20 strict sit-ups

15 handstand push-ups

40 double-unders

20 strict sit-ups

10 handstand push-ups

40 double-unders

20 strict sit-ups

5 handstand push-ups

Then: 25 burpees

>> On-Ramp

Three rounds for time:

80 singles

15 sit-ups with anchor

10 DB seated presses

Then: 15 burpees