Monday, June 27, 2016

FullSizeRender(62)“Still I Rise.” — Maya Angelou

062716 WOD

A. 6:00 time cap

Run 400 meters or row 500, then:

Accumulate 2:00 in an L-sit hold / tuck

B. Back squat

Take 15 minutes to build to a challenging set of three; rest 2:00 between working sets.

C. For time:

Buy-in: 400-meter run

Then, three rounds of the couplet

12 thrusters (115/75)

10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Cash-out: 400-meter run

>> On-Ramp

For time:

Buy-in: 200-meter run

Then, three rounds of the couplet:

12 DB thrusters

10 ring rows

Cash-out: 200-meter run