Friday, July 22, 2016

IMG_5399>> yes, sir, coach, sir!

From this day forward, don’t even think of talking back to Coach Korey. Burpees? Do them. Lunges? Love them. Box jumps? Yes, sir. Coach Korey is now MPD Officer Korey, who graduated at the top of his recruit class Thursday evening to earn the department’s Outstanding Recruit Award “for presenting the most consistent achievement in the areas of training, leadership, judgement, attitude and service to others.” See his full list of honors in this article: 83rd Recruit Class Joins Ranks of MPD

We are beyond impressed, and now a little intimidated, seeing as he knows how to take people out, with all the things Korey has accomplished, along with wife Alissa, who has been supportive through this grueling recruit class journey.

The positive impact Korey has made in the gym will now extend to the community at large. He has the heart of a true servant leader. We are thankful for your commitment, Korey!

072216 WOD

A. OTM 10:00

Even minutes: 150-meter row

Odd minutes: 8-10 burpee broad jumps (scale 8 burpees or modified burpees)

B. Bulgarian split squats

4 x 8 / side using dumbbells

Superset: 4 x 20 Russian twists with weight

C. 2015 Masters CrossFit Games Qualifier Event 4 (In honor of Maui’s Games athlete Al Duarte who took sixth overall in the 2016 CrossFit Games Masters 50-54 division. Congratulations, Al! We are all so proud of you.)

For time:


Deadlifts (225/155)

Box jumps (24/20)

Handstand push-ups

>> On-Ramp

For time:


KB Deadlifts

Box jumps / step-ups

L-seated DB presses