Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016

20160920_090559Today we said aloha and a hui hou to Jana (center, in blue), who’s moving to Oahu. Thanks for helping make our Upcountry community a healthier place! We love you, your crazy-good photography skills, your deep revelations about life and your cute dog Zoey. Best of luck on your next adventure! Stay connected with Jana by visiting, or by finding her on Facebook and Instagram.

092116 WOD

A. OTM 8:00

Even minutes: 60-foot bear crawl

Odd minutes: 20-second hollow + 20-second arch

B. Press – week 2 | month 1

70% x 3

80% x 3

90% x 3+

Superset with 3 x 8-10 supine ring rows @ 30×1

Rest 2:00 between working sets

C. For time:


Power snatches (75/55)

Box jumps (24/20)

Rest 2:00


Strict pull-ups

Strict handstand push-ups

>> On-Ramp

For time:


Hang power snatches


Rest 2:00


Ring rows

DB seated presses