Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016


“Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” — Joseph Campbell

102016 WOD

A. Warmup – coach’s choice

B. Three rounds of the following:

DB step-ups on box – right leg consecutive x 8-10 reps

DB step-ups on box – left leg consecutive x 8-10 reps

Hamstring curls with bands x 10 – 12 reps

L-sit or tuck off bar x 20 – 30 seconds

Rest 45 seconds after each movement

C. With 4:00 on the clock:

Run 300 meters or row 300 meters

10 box jump-overs (24/20)

20 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

Max effort x strict sit-ups

Four rounds, resting 2:00 between each; record sit-ups

>> On-Ramp

With 3:00 on the clock:

Run 200 meters

10 step-ups

15 Russian KBs

Max effort x sit-ups / crunches

Four rounds, resting 3:00 between each; record sit-ups




img_7738Ryan and wife Bri welcomed little Cullen Eugene into the world at 1:37 a.m. Monday. We are super excited about our newest CF Upcountry member! Can’t wait to meet you, little guy!