Monday, Nov. 21, 2016

img_8443The new Saturday 7 a.m. time slot is all the rage! Rowers were smiling, and the runners (we think) were smiling, too. We love our Upcountry community!

112116 WOD

A. OTM 8:00

Even minutes: 150-meter row

Odd minutes: 0:20 hollow hold + 0:20 arch hold

B. Back squat – week 3 | month 3

75% x 5

85% x 3

95% x 1+

Use an experienced spotter; rest 2:00 between sets.

C. For time:

Buy-in: 500-meter row

Then, 21-15-9 of the triplet:

Wall balls


Strict sit-ups

Cash-out: 400-meter run

>> On-Ramp

For time:

Buy-in: 250-mter row

Then, 15-12-9

Wall balls / air squats / DB thrusters

Modified burpees


Cash-out: 200-meter run