Saturday, Nov. 26, 2016

img_8607It felt great to detox Friday after Thursday’s Thanksgiving feast. Come by the box to get endorphins that will carry you through the craziness of the holiday season!

112616 WOD

A. EMOM 9:00

Min 1: 150-meter row

Min 2: 12-15 band pull-aparts (yellow, pink or blue)

Min 3: 30 Russian twists

B. Movement prep / mobility

C. 15:00 AMRAP

50-foot bear crawl

5 strict pull-ups

50-foot walking lunges

5 strict handstand push-ups

Run 200 meters or row 250 meters after every third round is completed; record rounds and reps, not including run.

>> On-Ramp

15:00 AMRAP

25-foot bear crawl

5 ring rows

25-foot walking lunges

5 L-seated dumbbell presses

Run 100 meters or row 150 meters after every third round is completed; record rounds and reps, not including run.

D. Optional cashout

4:00 Tabata

Flutter kicks