Friday, Dec. 1, 2016

120116 WOD

A. 12:00 EMOM

Min. 1 : 6-10 strict chin-ups with tempo 30×1

Min 2 : 0:30-0:45 right side plank

Min 3 : 0:30-0:45 left side plank

Min 4 : 10-12 (total) single leg glute hip bridges with tempo 20×2

B. Three rounds for max reps:

1:00 box jumps

1:00 weighted sit-ups with anchor (35/25)

1:00 slam balls

1:00 row for calories

1:00 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

1:00 rest

C. Mobility

1. Couch stretch 1:00 / side

2. Lat smash with foam roller 1:00 / side