Monday, Dec. 5, 2016


>> it’s been raining gains.

What a week! We had tons of PRs in the back squat, the press and the deadlift last week — some seeing gains of 5, 10, 15, even 20 pounds. We couldn’t be more proud of your hard work. You were the ones showing up and staying consistent in your training. Continue to celebrate your milestones and stay encouraged if you didn’t see the numbers you’d like. After all, being healthy is our greatest gift; we each are more blessed than we realize! Here’s to a new training cycle, where we will focus on organic lifting (load according to how you feel) with increased focus on conditioning and volume before the CF Games Open season in February and March. Recover a little then hit it hard!

110516 WOD

A. 6:00 time cap

Run 400 meters or row 500, then:

Accumulate 2:00 in an L-sit hold / tuck

B. Back squat

Every 2:00 for 5 sets

3 reps @ 30×1

(build to a moderate to challenging set of three)

C. 2:00 AMRAP

5 burpees

5 ground to overhead (135/95)

Four rounds, resting 2:00 between each. Pick up subsequent rounds where you leave off. Record total rounds and reps.

>> On-Ramp

2:00 AMRAP

5 burpees

5 hang power clean and push press with dumbbells

Four rounds, resting 2:00 between each. Pick up subsequent rounds where you leave off. Record total rounds and reps.