Tuesday, April 11, 2017
We had an awesome weekend at the CrossFit Weightlifting course on Oahu, led by coach Mike Burgener and daughter Sage Mertz. Be prepared to see many more junkyard dog warmups.
041117 WOD
A. 600-meter run or row, then:
Three rounds:
10 reverse snow angels
10 hollow to arch off bar
10 scap pull-downs
B. Weighted pull-ups
Every two minutes:
5 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1 – 1
Work up to heavy single
* Scale to 3 reps jump-up @ 50×1
C. 15:00 AMRAP
With teams of two, only one person works at a time to each complete full rounds of the following:
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 alternating pistols
5 handstand push-ups
50-meter farmers carry (50/35)