Wednesday, June 14, 2017

“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.” -Shiv Khera

061417 WOD

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. Hang power snatch

2 reps on the minute for 12 minutes (above knee)

C. Four rounds for time:

12 alternating one arm dumbbell snatches (50/35) 6/side

50′ Right arm dumbbell overhead walk (50/35)

10 burpees

50′ Left arm dumbbell overhead walk (bumper plates to first post and back is 50′)

*13 minute time cap


Four rounds for time:

12 alternating one arm dumbbell snatches  6/side (stay light)

50′ Right arm dumbbell overhead walk  (stay light)

10 burpees

50′ Left arm dumbbell overhead walk (bumper plates to first post and back is 50′)

*13 minute time cap

Strength and metcon from CF of Fremont