Friday, June 29, 2018


You guys. We won the most painful prize EVER! Some of you even want to send it back to the manufacturers because it hurts! Thanks to all of our voters near and far, we received last week this $2K Airbike Elite for second place in the WildAF video contest a couple months ago. The bike was finally tested on Monday. You strapped in. And you rode straight into the pain cave. Here are our winners from Monday’s mini contest. Top calories in 20 seconds (male/female) won a FitAid and the best expressions (subjective vote; male/female) won a hat. Come claim your prizes!


Kaika (25.22)

Katy (16.94)

Frank (29) (disqualified due to being the gym owner and making up the contest rules)


Kristen H. 


062918 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Back squat

Every 2:00 for 10 minutes:

Set 1: 5 reps at 45-55%

Set 2: 5 reps at 55-65%

Set 3: 3 reps at 65-75%

Set 4: 2 reps at 75-85%

Set 5: 2 reps at 80-90%

C. With 8:00 on the clock, max effort double unders with the following OTM:

Min 1: 5 situps

Min 2: 10 situps

Min 3: 15 situps

Min 4: 20 situps

Min 5: 25 situps

Min 6: 30 situps

Min 7: 35 situps

Scaled doubles include jump tap tap (without a rope); double-under attempts (count misses as made reps but this is not rx); or singles (as a last resort). For singles, divide reps by two for total. If an athlete cannot complete sit-ups on any given round, he or she can start at top of next round, and perform sit-ups until 40 second mark.

>>Modifications will be given