Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2020

Todays workout is in loving memory of Brad Apo (Kelsey Naeole’s brother). Today will be the one year anniversary of his passing. Kelsey came up with a partner workout to honor this paniolo legend

090220 WOD

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. Movement prep

C. “Brad”

Teams of 2 {# represents his 2 daughters}

For time:

Buy in: 1 mile run/row/bike w/partner {# signifies his #1 in his life, his wife}

4 rounds: {# represents how many times he won All Around Cowboy for 4th of July Makawao Rodeo}

38 Burpees

38 Russian twist w/ med ball

38 Alternating DB hang clean & jerk

38 Double unders

        {he was 38 years old, also the first letter of each movement spells his name BRAD}