On a day we do some running it’s always good to go over the pose running technique. Today it’s even better if you read this from SICFIT by Brice Collier
Key Concepts of Pose Running:
1) Gravity is a constant force that has loads of potential energy stored and waiting to be harnessed. Dr Romanov states, “Trying to run without understanding gravity is like trying to sail without understanding the wind.” The Pose method takes advantage of the constant gravitational pull and uses this force as the main catalyst in efficient running.
2) A fluid movement can be learned by mastering the static positions. This is the same reason we focus on the start, pocket, and catch position of the snatch. We need these positions to be comfortable, natural, and subconscious muscle memory for so that we move seamlessly through them when we are performing a lift. In the same manner we need to master the Pose positions of running so that we continue to cycle through them maintaining max efficiency even on the 3rd round of Helen.
3) Great Runners are quiet. They do not forcefully slam the bottom of their foot onto the ground in order to propel themselves forward. Instead they almost hover over the ground making ever so slight taps as their support foot lightly comes into contact with the surface and is then immediately pulled straight back up as quickly as possible.
If the benefits of mastering the Pose technique are not painfully obvious, I will go ahead and spell a few of them out.
Fewer Injuries. Since you are running at a smoother pace with less forceful encounters with the ground there is a smaller load placed on your ankle, knee, and hip joints. This means less time spent recovering and more time training.
Enjoyment. The amount of satisfaction you get from reaching new PRs, improving your endurance, and raising your speed brings a new life to your training program.
Efficiency. Learning to run efficiently will lead to you being able to use the 400m sprints in workouts as a sort of recovery time in preparation for your next set of thrusters, box jumps, kettle bell swings, or whatever the next movement happens to be.
Any elite athlete, marksman, craftsman, or performer will tell you that it is the mastery of the basics that leads to success. This is a call to all CrossFitters to get out there and master the “basic” skill of running.
From someone who once considered himself a poor runner from birth, I highly recommend reading Dr Romanov’s book
Pose Method of Running as well as going to
http://www.crossfitendurance.com/run and watching every video that Brian MacKenzie has on the site. With a little help from these sources and some home grown motivation you can master the skill of running and transform what used to be a painful, dreaded movement into something you succeed at and enjoy.
Warm up: Getting your groove on!
Skill: Pose running
Strength: Wendler back squat
This is an excellent read to get you pumped to do your squat set!
WOD: 4 rounds
400m sprint
50 squats
15 toes to bar