Very impressive effort Wednesday morning as Sheila literally ripped through the WOD, Jonesworthy, for the fastest time of the day! Sheila credits Coach Christie for keeping her going hard till the end. She beat Coach Christie’s time by a few seconds with a 17:01. Nice work Sheila! You can be excused from pull ups for awhile.
Great having Dave from CrossFit Seattle back bright and early in the 6:00 AM class. He’ll join us for one more class Friday. The biggest surprise of the morning was seeing Andrea walk into the box at 6:00 AM!! Now it remains to be seen whether she becomes an early bird regular….
S Warm up: 3 rounds
S TGU’s (1 each side, adding weight each round)
S 10 ring rows
S 20 GHD back extensions
S Skill: Dumbbell cleans and dumbbell thrusters
S WOD: AMRAP in 3 minutes;
S 10 DB thrusters (50/30 or scaled)
S 10 DB bench press (use same dumbbells as thruster)
S 10 ring dips
S Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 4 cycles