“Paleo Power Pyramid” at 6 PM! Wed, 11/30
Let’s talk “Paleo” at our Paleo potluck tonite at 6 PM!
Bring a paleo dish (no grains, legumes or dairy)
and come with questions!
It’s FREE!
Kinsey will be giving a brief overview lecture about the “Paleo Power Pyramid”. What is the Paleo Power Pyramid you ask? It is a symbol for the three cornerstones that make up optimal well-being.These are:
- Diet/Nutrition
- Healthy Exercise
- Cortisol Regulation (i.e. sleep, stress, etc.).

- Please pick up your chalk after a WOD and erase your marks.
- Please put MATCHING olympic plates where they belong (2.5, 5, 10, etc.)
- Please make sure boxes are stacked correctly.
- Please line AbMats against wall ball bin
Warm Up:
Group relay
Foam roller shoulder stretch with Kettlebell
Press: 6-5-4-3-2-1
WOD: 2 rounds for time:
20 KB swings (R)
20 push ups
20 bench hops
20 KB swings (L)
20 push ups
20 bench hops
weighted sled pull