Congratulations to our good friend Joe Stumpf for graduating the SEALFIT™ Kokoro Camp Sunday! Joe was recognized as THE stand out guy and received the “Fire In His Gut” award, an award that isn’t given out often or lightly. We look forward to having Joe visit again in October!
“SEALFIT Kokoro Camp is the world’s premier training camp for forging mental toughness and the warrior spirit. The camp is an intense crucible experience based off of the famous Navy SEAL Hell Week concept, but with a focus on teaching through experience rather than making you quit. Our mission is to develop mental toughness through 50 hours of intense physical and internal work. The Kokoro Camp leverages cutting-edge, warrior-athlete training practices to include CrossFit (high intensity functional fitness), Leadership, Self-mastery, Awareness Development, 5 Mountain Yoga, Attention Control, Goal Setting, Stress Management, Visualization, Mission Planning, Mental Toughness and Durability Training. The program is intense. It is a 10 on a 10-point scale of difficulty and suitable for those who have been training CrossFit or for a Special Operations Selection program for some time.” – Mark Divine, founder.
Warm up:
Turkish get ups
Good mornings
WOD: 5 rounds for time
30 Double unders
20 KB swings
10 Burpees