If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. – Vincent Van Gogh
How often during a WOD do you hear that inner voice say “I can’t do it. I can’t do another one…” Well, at that very moment do another just to prove yourself wrong and perhaps you won’t hear that so often!
Establish a 1 rep max for back squat, deadlift or press. Let’s get those new binders filled in!
WOD: For max reps;
1 minute jump rope (singles)
1 minute kettle bell swings
1 minute burpees
Rest 2 minutes and repeat two more rounds (4 rounds total)
Check out the new link under Nutrition! Primal Body, Primal Mind This is a fabulous blog written by Nora T. Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT. Nora is a certified nutritional therapist and neurofeedback specialist with a private practice. A member of the Nutritional Therapy Association, the National Association of Nutritional Professionals, the Nutrition and Metabolism Society, and the Weston A. Price Foundation, she lives in Portland, Oregon.
Applying modern discoveries to the basic hunter-gatherer diet, she culls from vast research in evolutionary physiology, biochemistry, metabolism, nutrition, and chronic and degenerative disease to unveil a holistic lifestyle for true mind-body health and longevity. Revealing the primal origins and physiological basis for a high-fat, moderate-protein, starch-free diet and the importance of adequate omega-3 intake–critical to our brain and nervous system but sorely lacking in most people’s diets–she explains the nutritional problems of grains, gluten, soy, dairy, and starchy vegetables; which natural fats promote health and which (such as canola oil) harm it; the crucial role of vitamin D in cancer and disease prevention; the importance of saturated fat and cholesterol; and how diet affects mental health, memory, cognitive function, hormonal balance, and cellular aging. With step-by-step guidelines, recipes, and meal recommendations, this book offers sustainable strategies for a primally based, yet modern approach to diet and exercise to reduce stress and anxiety, lose weight, improve sleep and mood, increase energy and immunity, enhance brain function, save money on groceries, and live longer and happier.
WOD: For time;
400m run
21 Push ups
21 V-sit ups
400m run
15 Push ups
15 V-sit ups
400m run
9 Push ups
9 V-sit ups
400m run
Another week of whompin’ WODs coming atcha. More and more of our “regulars” are becoming more “regular.” Gabby made it in five days in a row. And Kristina was a six timer, while Marlena managed four WODs with complaining knees. Great persistence!
Warm Up A; Row 500m, run 400m, 2 min jump rope
Then Shoulder mobility drills and snatch practice
WOD: with a partner, for time:
One partner will do three rounds of the following sequence while the other helps motivate the teammate through the reps. When complete the other members does the set.
5 snatch
5 towel pull ups
Rest while partner performs the set