Mon, May 30
The box will be closed Monday, Memorial Day. Don’t let that be a reason to take the day off! Get out for a swim. Go for a mountain bike ride. Be creative and link two or three of your favorite bodyweight moves together for a WOD.
WOD To Go #1: AMRAP in 12 minutes;
10 burpees
20 walking lunges
WOD To Go #2: 5 rounds for time;
25 squats
20 mountain climbers
15 push ups
WOD To Go #3: For time;
1 mile run
50 sit ups
50 push ups
WOD To Go #4:
100 burpees for time
CrossFit Amundson Way in 50 Words: Pursue virtuosity in functional movement. Believe unconditionally in yourself and the ability of others. Learn new skills – Teach them to a friend. Forge an indomitable body and spirit. Apply character traits learned in the gym to life: Perseverance – Honesty – Integrity – Resilience – Courage – Loyalty – Respect and Service. Be humble. Encourage others.