Perseverance. Mon, Apr 18
Following the words of the 19th Century Scottish politician, Walter Elliot, “Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.” And this is exactly how we will tackle our WOD.
AMRAP 12 min:
100′ OH DB walk
5 DB jerks
100′ DB rack walk
10 DB front squats
100′ farmers walk
5 DB cleans
In this complex we start with holding the dumbells overhead for a 100′ walk (across the alley and back.) With the same dumbbells execute five DB jerks. On the last jerk, bring the dumbbells down to the rack position and rack walk. Upon return complete the ten front squats still holding the dumbbells. On the last squat unrack the dumbbells swinging them down safely outside the hips for the farmers walk. At the conclusion of your farmers walk lower the dumbbells close to the ground and do the five dumbbell cleans. You are allowed to rest as necessary but you may not set the dumbbells down for the entire 12 minutes.
When everyone has recovered we will tackle our 44 burpees for time. For those who don’t know, we are doing a burpee countdown until Coach Allen, from Imperial CrossFit, comes back to CrossFit UpCountry Maui…. you guested it, in 44 days!