We love visitors and power cleans! Fri, Oct. 1
Mahalo to Gretchen from King CrossFit in Renton, WA and Kathleen from CrossFit Zone in Victoria, B.C., for joining us several times this week. We enjoyed your energy!
Here’s Gretchen during Wednesday’s WOD somewhere in the middle of her 100 deadlifts and 150 push ups. And Kathleen recovering from Thursday’s WOD waste deep in a heap of pineapple tops ready for planting. May we WOD again someday!!
Then along come two more somewhat regular visitors, Kaiola and Cole. Due to parent teacher conferences Seabury Hall kids have a five day weekend! No wind to kite and tide too high to surf, these guys beg to go to the “Box of Pain” as they call it. Amazing how strong tall skinny fifteen year old boys can be!!
Friday’s Workout:Warm Up; 3 rounds not for time:
• 10 med ball cleans
• 10 wall balls
• 10 push ups
Skill; Lift, pull and clean practice
Wendler Strength set: Back squat
WOD; AMRAP in 5 minutes:
• 5 power cleans
• 5 push jerk (using same bar)
• 15 GHD sit-ups
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 4 cycles.