Friday, Nov. 7, 2014

photo(762)Strong mom, Gabby, always keeps us inspired. We love you, Gabby!

110714 WOD

A. 6:00 AMRAP in teams of three:

Partner 1) Run 200 meters

Partner 2) Front plank hold

Partner 3) ME row for distance

Switching when partner 1 returns from run; score is max distance. Team with farthest row will not do 10 muffin tops.

B. Deadlift

75% x 5

85% x 3

95% x 1+

3 x 5 cobras between working sets

C. 5:00 AMRAP

50-meter run

5 power cleans (135/95)

10 burpees over barbell (coaches are watching for chalk on mats!)

Rest 2:30

5:00 AMRAP

50-meter run

5 overhead squats (135/95)

10 toes-to-bar

Scores for each AMRAP will be posted separately; run counts as one rep.

>> On-Ramp

5:00 AMRAP

50-meter run

5 hang power cleans with dumbbells AHAP

10 burpees

Rest 2:30

5:00 AMRAP

50-meter run

5 overhead squats / front squats

10 tucks / v-ups / sit-ups



photo(32)Holley, an assistant coach and biologist by vocation, is one of the more inspiring people we know. She’s recovered from two substantial work-related injuries — and she’s done it with grace and perspective. Step by step, day by day, she practices staying strong mentally and physically — working on what she can do, letting go of what she can’t do. Holley is a great reminder of never taking anything for granted. She is grateful to be able to do basic movements again. Now that I think about it, I have never really heard her complain about recovery, and yet she’s used to doing so much as a former triathlete. We can all learn from Holley’s awesome attitude toward fitness, health and overall wellness. We are blessed to have you at CFUM —  have a great birthday on Kauai!