WOD and Ride! Saturday, July 31

CrossFit Upcountry Maui members, Amy, Andrea and Tricia, are the original “Maui Dirt Girls!” They will be hosting a girls moto ride today at 1:00 PM. With numerous bike to try and gentle coaching everyone will get a chance to see what dirt biking is all about. Following the ride will be a potluck.  Contact us via this website for more information.

But first… come into the box for a different kind of ride!

Warm up: Attacking your goat, whatever that may be! Plus pull ups and max rep push ups.

Strength: Wendler Press Day. Get on your percentages outlined in your folders.

WOD: 5 rounds for time;

20 wall balls
20 box jumps
20 walking lunges holding WB bear hug style