Cindy! Friday, August 13
So many of the CrossFit girl’s named WODs are comprised of pull ups, push ups, squats and some with sit ups; Angie, Upside Down Angie, Barbara, Cindy, Candy and Chelsea. Although all of these seem to be a very similar workout, each one is designed with a different purpose in mind. Some of these WODs help to develop cardio/respiratory endurance and speed while others focus on stamina and strength. So far this week we have attacked benchmark WODs systematically so that we have touched on every single component of fitness. However, today we are going to deliver speed (the ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement) like never before! For those new at kipping this WOD will allow you to get through each round faster than say Angie or Candy. Wear your speed suits and be ready to record as many rounds as you can possibly do in 20 minutes of:
5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats