Shake a Leg! Friday, Aug 27

Thursday we were honored to have Andy McCoy from CrossFit Santa Clara join us for the WOD “Daniel.”  Andy works out daily with Jason Khalipa and watching him blow through the workout was beyond inspiring. Andy is here on his honeymoon and we hope his wife gives him another hall pass or two! Congratulations Andy and welcome to CrossFit UpCountry Maui!

Warm up: Working your “goat” and handstands

Wendler strength: Back Squat

WOD: A whole lotta squat tabatas!

(alternating 8 cycles in each station)

  • Squats/dips
  • Squat thrusts/push press
  • DB squat cleans/back extensions
  • Wall balls/ AbMat sit ups

John Lovins of Ohio Krav Maga will be at CrossFit UpCountry Maui Sunday, August 29th, for a three hour self defense seminar!  John is a CrossFit Level I coach as well as a Level I USA weightlifting coach. He has a black belt in Krav Maga and specializes in teaching self defense against offenders with weaponry.  John will cover all aspects of self defense including basic punching, front kicks, skip kicks, ground techniques, and escapes as well as defense against an armed offender.