Beach WOD with Amber, Thurs 10-14

For those of you looking to change it up, Coach Amber will lead a beach WOD for Lululemon at 9:00 AM. Meet her at the Lululemon store front in Paia for a warm up run and then on to the beach for a challenging WOD in the sun and sand!

For those wishing to stay out of the sun we will have the usual 8 and 9 AM classes at the box.

We will be warming up with some new DROMs and mobility drills as well as fun skill work. You’ll see…

WOD: 30-25-20-15-10-5 reps for time
• Double unders (sub x 3 singles)
• Deadlifts (< 50% 1 RM)
• KB swings
• Windshield wipers