Rain or Shine! Tues, Jan 11

Monday night’s Basics class got a real dose of what CrossFit is all about in more ways than one.  We started the class during a torrential rainstorm and dodged the drips as the water leaked in through the ventilated roof.  We were only mildly distracted when the thunder and lighting boomed ever so close. When the lights went out we still finished the first session and got through our WOD in the headlights of our cars. Way to go troopers! And nice work to the newcomers David, Carol, Terry and Colena. Welcome back Erin!!

The paleo challenge got off to a good start! We will see how many people toss in their $1 cheats Tuesday morning!  I know I just sweetened the pot by $4.  Cream in my coffee, molasses in the salad dressing at Whole Foods, more cream in the coffee, and then snitching a few of my son’s “mentos” because they were there.  Otherwise, a very good first paleo day.


Skill work: Rethinking the pull ups

WOD: AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 pull ups (body rows or leg assisted pull ups)
10 dumbbell push presses (each arm)
10 GHD sit ups
30 double unders