Rain Rain Go Away! Thurs, Jan 12

Yes! There will be class today despite the fact it’s raining dump trucks. However, WOD subject to change depending upon which area of the box is still dry!

Try to finish up whichever 1 rep max lift you don’t have yet. We start a new Wendler cycle next week. For those interested in stepping up their game and following the CrossFit Endurance site, we will be scheduling some group swims, bike rides and interval running sessions starting next week as well.

Thursday’s WOD: AMRAP in 12 minutes:
9 deadlifts
6 hang power cleans
3 front squats

Here’s how to tackle this WOD. Without dropping the bar execute 9 deadlifts. On the last one stop in the hang position and do the hang power cleans. On the 6th clean leave the bar at the shoulders for the front squats.  Do as many rounds as you possibly can in the 12 minute time frame trying not to lower the bar to the ground between the sets. If you must rest do so at the start of your deadlifts.  Lets put all those new olympic bars to use!