Farewell Jor! Mon, Apr 25
Monday will be Jor’s last morning at the box as he and his family are leaving for Oahu. Huge mahalo’s for the awesome coaching and inspiration, Jor! it’s been great having you!
Coaches Christie, Kaye, Jor and Amber
This Wednesday, April 27, one of our newest members, Kinsey, will give a short lecture on nutrition. Kinsey, having been diagnosed with multiple autoimmune diseases, started doing her research. Changing her diet has made a dramatic difference in her symptoms. Please plan to attend as Kinsey shares her knowledge about food and it’s effects on our bodies. Wednesday, 8:50 to 9:10 AM.
Get ready to compete! We will tackle the Games WOD #5!
20 min AMRAP of:
5 Power cleans
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls