Gym Etiquette. Tues, June 21
Our box is made up of pretty savvy people. It’s not very often I have to remind people to pick up after themselves. But every now and then I come across another box’s “rules” and this one merits sharing. This comes from CrossFit Belltown in Seattle, one of the many boxes I plan to visit next week.
CrossFit Belltown Etiquette
Please be on time & stay late to cheer on others.
Please check your ego at the door. It’s likely to get trounced if you don’t; no one cares how much you can lift, we only care how well you can lift it.
Please introduce yourself to all newcomers as they may need to revive your unconscious body later & “hey dude, wake up” is so impersonal.
We are coaches, not your personal trainer. Don’t expect us to get your weights or put them away, count your reps, hold your hand, get you a tissue or call your momma.
Please execute full & proper range of motion on all movements. Cheating reps will not be tolerated.
Please do not be an asshole. Listen to your coach; we are here to make you a better athlete.
While we appreciate your enthusiasm & willingness to lend a hand to fellow members where needed, please leave the coaching to the coaches.
Please keep hands & feet off the walls; if it isn’t concrete or made of rubber, we strongly encourage you not to touch it.
Please use chalk sparingly… and keep it in its rightful place, the bucket (unless of course you’re okay with us coming to your home and taking a dump on your living room floor.)
Please clean your equipment after every use; your DNA is not as desirable as you might think.
You can scream, cuss, cry, bleed, puke or even pass out… just don’t quit. The human body is capable of more than you can possibly comprehend; challenge it accordingly.
In store for Tuesday is….
20 rep squat program. If you haven’t gotten started on this please let the coaches know. There should be a page in your folder outlining this program. No folder? Ask for one!
WOD: Tabata Something Else!
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of four minutes (eight intervals) in each of the following:
Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
There is no rest between exercises. Score is total of lowest score in each exercise.