TechnoGym! Sat, July 16

Free Intro at 8:00 AM
Curious about CrossFit? The best way to find out what this is all about is to come in on a Saturday morning and try out our free introductory class. You will get to participate with the group but we will scale everything accordingly.

For those who are already hooked, traveling can be problematic.  Here at the Ala Moana Hotel on Oahu, I wandered into the fitness center to fit in a quick WOD.  I couldn’t help feeling disappointed when I walked in. It was wall to wall machines! Can you image we used to do that?!?

But then I spotted these! And the day was saved. There are endless WODs to do with dumbbells alone.  But with five CrossFit’s on Oahu now, I won’t have to workout in TechnoGym tomorrow!

WOD: AMRAP in 20 minutes;
400m run
10 pull ups
15 wall balls
10 burpees