Aloha Jonathan! Thurs Aug 4

A huge welcome to Jonathan, a CrossFit coach from CrossFit Milwaukee. Jonathan, who is preparing for an olympic lifting competition at the end of the month, will be around for a couple weeks. He has promised to do some coaching while he is here.  What a treat!

When you come into the box today be prepared to write some new goals! (or revisit some old ones.)  It’s pretty obvious that those who stick to a consistent schedule and follow a  plan continue to see progress.  Make sure your goal has a realistic timeline.

Ryan getting pumped up to hit a new PR!

After the warm up get ready to do some more level testing!

WOD: A 12 minute partner AMRAP!
200m run
Wall Balls
Choose a partner who uses the same medicine ball. One partner runs while the other throws the ball. When runner returns they switch. Score is total number of wall balls.