Wheat and Sugar….. Give It Up! Tues, 11/1
We are revamping our Turkey Trimming challenge. Starting Tuesday, November 1, the challenge is simply to give up wheat and sugar for 30 days. There is no buy in, nothing to log. Just omit those two devils from your diet and you’re in. There are no cheat days, however. If you are in you are in and have to go the duration which means no pie on Thanksgiving. Announce to the box if you are in!
Welcome to newcomers Todd (pictured below with Coach Jonathan) and Mark (oops, no photo) who both came to us with CrossFit experience and have jumped right into the game. Todd met pukie during Filthy Fifty and with Coach Jonathan’s encouragement kept on going to finish the WOD. Way to go Todd! Already raising the bar!
Rumor has it someone else met pukie after the WOD. Lisa, feeling the love, during those brutal 50 wall balls.
Jason would have beat his time with heavier weights but Coach Jonathan kept “no repping” him. Jonathan won’t let the smallest thing slide!
Oly drills with Jonathan!
Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3
WOD: For Time;
400m run
5 rounds of Cindy
800m run
5 rounds of Cindy
400m run