Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Quote of the day: “Thrusters on a Monday?” I think Gabby said this at the 6 a.m. class. The early bird class is growing. It’s impressive that people can wake up, let alone work out, before the sun comes up.
Here are some photos from the 5 p.m. class, which is another tough one because it’s at the end of what can be a long work day for some. The class had a very cool sense of camaraderie today with Coach Adam back. Monica and Adam offer a great sense of encouragement, for one another and for everyone around them.
Bonus points for naming this pint-size powerhouse at the 5 p.m. class. Hint: She’s only been CrossFitting for a little more than a month.
Here’s the workout for Tuesday, April 17, 2012
A. Skill
Turkish getups
3 x 5 per arm, increasing weight with each set
Three* rounds for time:
400 meter run
40 DU
30 sit-ups
20 burpees
10 dips
* This WOD was originally programmed for Thursday as an endurance workout in the 30-minute domain. Due to the time it takes to do TGUs, it has been changed to three rounds.