Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Great workout today. Frank and I did the WOD during Coach Adam’s 5 p.m. class and it was really fun (when it was over). The best part about pushing through those longer WODs is developing and refining mental toughness. It’s important to hit varied time domains and movements, always pushing past your comfort zones. Nice work everyone — each of you did just that!




Here’s the workout for Wednesday, May 16, 2012:

A. Strength

Press – linear week 6

B. Metcon


For time:




Let’s get a new PR on this CrossFit benchmark WOD…


FAREWELL BUT NOT GOODBYE FOR GOOD: CFUM says a hui ho to Joan, our part-time member from 5B CrossFit in Idaho. Anyone who has seen Joan work out can’t help but be inspired and motivated — she tackles every movement with solid strength and form, and demonstrates that CrossFit can be done by just about anyone — given he or she possesses strength of will and perseverance. Joan is a joy to be around, and will be sorely missed. Thanks for being the best role model, Joan, and for bringing your 5BCF energy to the box!