Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nice job on the benchmark WOD “Annie” today. For those of you attempting this workout the first time, it’s an accomplishment to make it through the movements unbroken. And don’t worry, you’ll see Annie again. Remember, there’s always time to set PRs. The best part about CrossFit is that it gives you a vast library of movements and workouts to master. Enjoy the journey, and celebrate each achievement along the way!

Here’s the workout for Thursday, May 17, 2012:

A. Make up strength / skill

Take the first 20 minutes of class to make up strength work that you missed or will miss; work on skills; or stretch. Timed metcon will start at the half-hour mark.

B. Metcon

In 4:00:

400 meter run

20 lunges with bumper plate overhead (25 / 45)

AMRAP plyo push-ups off bumper plate

Complete four rounds; rest 1:00 between each round. Score is total push-ups.